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The Invictus meets The Unstoppable: "I am the Master of my Fate. I am the Captain of my Soul”! | 12 mei 2020 om 16:00u [Gratis Power Webinar (Engels)]

  • 12 May 2020

In this LIVE Power Webinar “The Invictus” meets “The Unstoppable”. The word ‘invictus’ means ‘unconquered’ and refers to the Invictus Games. Through shared strategies, stories, and perspectives, you can conquer your impossible, whatever it is. This is again a very unique webinar because we brought Canada and The Netherlands back together exactly one week after the Dutch celebrating their yearly “Liberation Day”.

In this LIVE Power Webinar “The Invictus” meets “The Unstoppable”. 
The word ‘invictus’ means ‘unconquered’ and refers to the Invictus Games.
Through shared strategies, stories, and perspectives, you can conquer your impossible, whatever it is. This is again a very unique webinar because we brought Canada and The Netherlands back together exactly one week after the Dutch celebrating their yearly “Liberation Day”.

The Canadian Tracy Schmitt, MBA, or “Unstoppable Tracy” as most people call her, a 4-way amputee, has climbed mountains in Nepal, captained 110-foot ships in the eastern Atlantic, and won a bronze medal as a para-alpine skier and this all she did in her first 20 years of life! In the next 10 years, Tracy has busted up pilot strikes, Boycotted Uber into Canada, and crushed obstacles for government reform in the pharmaceutical industry whose business ended up out performing the stock market. With much humour and motivation, Tracy helps you shift through your challenges and come out on top.

Former Commander of the Royal Dutch Army, Mart de Kruif, is the Chairman of The Invictus Games 2020 in The Hague, The Netherlands very recently had to postpone the multi-sport event for ex-armed services personnel for either May or June in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Invictus Games use the power of sport to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation and generate a wider understanding and respect of all those who serve their country. The participants all have their own story of physical and/or psychological injury or illness. But all of them have found the inner strength to go on and reinvent themselves. These Invictus Games are the platform to share their stories and add another chapter to their book of life.

  • Motivatie
  • Leadership
  • Motivation
  • Strength
  • Superhero
  • Invictus games
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