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The Present, the Past and the Future: Is it all Karma and Universal Wisdom? | 21 mei 2020 om 10:00u [Gratis Power Webinar (Engels)]

  • 21 May 2020

This Power Webinar with two global thought leaders, Vikas Malkani and Adjiedj Bakas, is "a special 90-minutes Wisdom Webinar”: The Present, the Past and the Future: Is it all Karma and Universal Wisdom? Vikas Malkani is recognized as one of the world’s leading teachers of wisdom, meditation & mindfulness. He has been called "The World’s #1 Wisdom Coach". Vikas [Bikas or Bikash] means expanding, progress or development in Sanskrit.

This Power Webinar with two global thought leaders, Vikas Malkani and Adjiedj Bakas, is "a special 90-minutes Wisdom Webinar”: The Present, the Past and the Future: Is it all Karma and Universal Wisdom?

Vikas Malkani is recognized as one of the world’s leading teachers of wisdom, meditation & mindfulness. He has been called "The World’s #1 Wisdom Coach". Vikas [Bikas or Bikash] means expandingprogress or development in Sanskrit.

Adjiedj Bakas is known as "The Most Visionary man of The Netherlands", and has published a book in November 2018 with the title "The New Renaissance" about how the war economy, the new silk road, the digital transformation, the energy transition and the economy of happiness change humanity after the age of kali.

The post corona world will be one that is characterized by social discontent, a fast digitization of business and life, fast changing consumer behavior, along with economic Depression, increasing unemployment, the return of nation states and an overall slowbalisation of the world.

This is also a great opportunity for reinventing business models, brilliant start-ups, new coalitions and enhanced personal and spiritual growth.

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” 
- Lao Tzu -




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  • Wisdom
  • Future
  • Vikas Malkani
  • Adjiedj Bakas
  • Personal Growth
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