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Co-Elevation: It means "LEADING WITHOUT AUTHORITY" How the Power of Co-Elevation Can Break Down Silos, Transform Teams, and Reinvent Collaboration | 18 juni om 20:00u | [Gratis Power Webinar (Engels)]

  • 18 Jun 2020

In this "SPECIAL Power Webinar" we have a conversation with KEITH FERRAZZI. The Founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight and #1 New York Times bestselling Author of Who's Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone redefines "Collaboration" with a radical new workplace operating system in which "Leadership" no longer demands an office, an official title, or even a physical workplace.


How the Power of Co-Elevation Can Break Down Silos, Transform Teams, and Reinvent Collaboration ["NEW BOOK" published May 26, 2020]

In this "SPECIAL Power Webinar" we have a conversation with KEITH FERRAZZI. The Founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight and #1 New York Times bestselling Author of Who's Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone redefines "Collaboration" with a radical new workplace operating system in which "Leadership" no longer demands an office, an official title, or even a physical workplace.

“Keith Ferrazzi is an extraordinary man who has counseled the world’s top enterprises on how to dramatically accelerate business outcomes and ignite innovation.”

Keith Ferrazzi has spent more than 5 years to write his new book that very recently on May 26, 2020 was published: LEADING WITHOUT AUTHORITY.

PETER H. DIAMANDIS, founder of XPRIZE and Singularity University, bestselling co-author of Abundance, Bold, and The Future Is Faster Than You Think:
“Leading Without Authority is the must-read guidebook for radical transformation. Keith Ferrazzi’s concept of co-elevation provides an actionable methodology for any team to thrive during the decade of exponential change ahead.”

YURI VAN GEEST, Futurist, Holist, the Initiator and Founder of Singularity University the Netherlands and co-author of the book Exponential Organizations, will join us as special guest speaker in this conversation.

In times of stress, we have a choice: we can retreat further into our isolated silos, or we can commit to “going higher together”.

Keith Ferrazzi offers Ferrazzi’s expert guide to achieving co-elevation.
He shows that authority needs no official title or position, just an individual taking the initiative to seize opportunity. Once we have adopted the leadership mantle for ourselves, we can begin the process of co-elevation, “a mission-driven approach to collaborative problem-solving through fluid partnerships and self-organizing teams.”

Through his prescriptive approach, Ferrazzi offers real-world solutions for creating true teammates in our colleagues and building the kinds of quality relationships that will help us achieve our goals and lead to greater success.

And as we adapt to our new work world, co-elevation is the operating system for successful remote teams we all desperately need. When employees of all levels are committed to “going higher together”, we unlock the potential for more productivity, deeper engagement, and mutual accountability that can withstand the greatest external pressures.

  • Keith Ferrazzi
  • Yuri van Geest
  • Co-Elevation
  • Collaboration
  • Leading without Authority
  • Power Webinar
  • Leadership
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