THE HUMAN ASPECT: It is Not About You. | 19 mei 2020 om 16:00u CET [Gratis Power Webinar (Engels)]
- 19 May 2020
In this Power Webinar we will have an interactive conversation with General Ret. Peter van Uhm, the four-star general Ret. in the Royal Netherlands Army and the Chief of Defence. He is a well-known and highly respected person in The Netherlands. Through his TEDx performance Peter van Uhm is also very popular for millions of people around the world who have seen his TEDtalk.
Why register for this inspiring Power Webinar? In this webinar we have a conversation with General Ret. Peter van Uhm, a retired four-star general in the Royal Netherlands Army and the Chief of the Netherlands Defence Staff and a well-known and highly respected person in The Netherlands. Through his TEDx performance Peter van Uhm is also very popular for millions of people around the world who have seen his TEDtalk.
He has had an outstanding carrer over four decades in the Dutch military.
In The Netherlands, he is know from his personal tragedy. On 18 April 2008, one day after Van Uhm was appointed Chief Defence Staff, his son First Lieutenant Dennis van Uhm was killed in a roadside bombing in Uruzgan. Van Uhm’s incredibly dignified and human response has astounded many.
In this webinar we will talk to Peter van Uhm and he will answer your questions. What can we learn from his life lessons in the world we live in today? Peter van Uhm says: "Together we will have to find the new form and course in society because one thing is certain: it will never be the way it was again".