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“HOW TO SOLVE ENERGY POVERTY?" ​​​​​​​On a Mission with Two Purpose-Driven Social Entrepreneurs. | 23 juni 2020 | 14:00u [Gratis Power Webinar (Engels)]

  • 23 Jun 2020

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In this Power Webinar we have a conversation with Simon Doble, CEO and Founder of SolarBuddy and Arash Aazami, Founder of Universalright.org. Two great human beings. Two Purpose-Driven Social Entrepreneurs and innovators on a mission to solve Energy Poverty in the world.

In this Power Webinar we have a conversation with Simon Doble, CEO and Founder of SolarBuddy and Arash Aazami, Founder of Universalright.org.

Two great human beings. Two Purpose-Driven Social Entrepreneurs and innovators on a mission to solve Energy Poverty in the world.

When we introduced Simon Doble to Arash Aazami it felt that they have known each other for many years. This was certainly not the case. They were so aligned in their mission that they directly understood each other.

Simon Doble is the global specialist in creating innovative solar energy solution for the humanitarian sector. Simon Doble believes that education plays a vital role in breaking poverty cycles and that every child deserves quality education in a safe environment. This is achieved by uniting a global community to gift six million solar lights to children living in energy poverty by 2030.

Arash Aazami is like Simon also on a mission. Every human being should have access to clean, renewable energy. In support hereof, as an entrepreneur and inventor he brings solutions. In 2010 Arash founded an “Energy independence company”, earning more as it would sell less energy. Since 2015 he designs and builds for a global Internet of Energy, which should enable users all over the globe to exchange energy with one another over an open source peer to peer network. Arash Aazami believes energy is a basic need for every human being and should therefore be considered a human right.

The worst form of poverty is energy poverty. 
If you have no access to energy, you have no access to education, to knowledge, and are exempt of contributing to society and the economy.
If you lack access to energy you will remain poor forever. 
Meanwhile there is an abundance of energy available to us. It shines on the top of our heads, blows through our hair, and runs underneath our feet. We can learn to harvest the abundant sources of renewable energy and design and develop systems to make them accessible for every human being. Just like in nature, energy does not need to be owned or traded.

During this session we will explore solutions, models and new paradigms that will help us build a future with abundance for all.

  • Arash Aazami
  • Simon Doble
  • Energy poverty
  • Future Leaders
  • Education
  • Breaking the Cycle of [Energy] Poverty
  • Building a Global Community
Aanpassingsvermogen Adjiedj Bakas animals Arash Aazami Benno Baksteen Bouwen aan Vertrouwen Breaking the Cycle of [Energy] Poverty Building a Global Community Change Chris Baldwin Circulaire Economie climate change Co-Elevation Coach Collaboration Communicatie Connectie Customer centricity Dave Sanderson ecommerce Education Energy poverty erik alexander richter Flight Plan Future Future Leaders Get into action Gratis webinars Happiness Harrie Lamers health hear hein wagner Hudson Miracle Humanity innovation Inspiratie Inspiration Invictus games it's about doing jade simmons Jan Terlouw karma Keith Ferrazzi klanten vinden klantenbinding Klimaat Leaders Block Leadership Leading without Authority Leiderschap lessons Life Lessons Lifelessons lifestories LinkedIN Lion listen Managers The Day After Tomorrow master class Mentaal Kapitaal mentale veerkracht Motivatie Motivation music nature Obama Online sessie Paul Hughes Personal Growth Personal Leadership Personal Life Story Peter Thurin Peter van Uhm Power Webinar Purpose Reggie Brown Rik Vera Ritu G Mehrish Sally Forrest Saroo Brierley Simon Doble social movements Sportspreker Storytelling Strategies to effectively lead teams virtually Strategies to grow from challenges Strength Success Superhero sustainability systemic change Take Charge of your own Life Tedx The Twilight Twenties have arrived Toekomst Toekomst van de burger Toekomst van educatie Toekomst van werk transition Unstoppable Tracy Useful tips forindividual teammembers Vikas Malkani viral virtual keynote virtualkeynotes Webinar Wisdom Working virtually Yuri van Geest

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