Saroo Brierley
The inspiration for the film "Lion". A remarkable and touching story of survival and sheer determination.
- 2016
- World Release of “Lion”, the film inspired by my autobiography, nominated to six Oscars and four Golden Globe awards
- 2013
- Having my biography published and translated into several languages
- 2012
- Finding my biological mother using Google earth after 25 years apart
Aged five, Saroo got lost in a train station near his home town in India. Desperately looking for his older brother, he ended up boarding a train destination unknown, only to find himself in Calcutta after a two-day non-stop trip. For two months, he survived and begged in the streets of the city, before being adopted to Australian parents. 25 years after that, he still couldn´t forget his past and the family he had left behind. His is a self-determination and inspiring story about how he managed to find his biological family and his first trip back to India, after the search of a lifetime.
His story got adapted to the big screen in the 2016 drama film "Lion", based on the book A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley.
“Miracles are possible”
“Believe in the unexpected”
“One man´s self-determination can change the course of a lifetime”
Performed for Google, Telstra, Goldman Sachs, Gartner, IBM and others