Dr. Patrick Dixon
World-Class Keynote Speaker On Coronavirus Pandemic / COVID-19 | Futurist: Manage risk & seize opportunity — future trends & strategy
- 1998
- Published 'Futurewise'
- 1988
- launched the AIDS charity ACET
Dr Patrick Dixon is a physician, Futurist and keynote speaker, a global expert on viral pandemics such as COVID-19 / Coronavirus, who has advised over 400 of the world's largest 2000 companies on a wide range of global trends. For over 22 years he has consistently warned of the global threat from new viral pandemics, such as Coronavirus / COVID-19, in several of his 17 books, many media broadcasts reaching a combined audience of over 300 million, and in many corporate keynotes at large events.
A cancer doctor by first training, Dr Dixon began treating patients with HIV / AIDS in 1987, and started an intertnaional foundation in 1988 to help prevent spread of HIV in the poorest nations. HIV is just one of many mutant viruses like the latest Coronavirus to jump from animals to humans, so Dr Dixon has been closely tracking viral pandemics for over 30 years.
Patrick Dixon is often described in the media as Europe’s leading futurist. He is a dynamic, provocative and entertaining speaker who advises many of the world’s largest
corporations on key trends, managing uncertainty, identifying risk and developing opportunities. He digs deep into the strategy of each organization, and creates a unique presentation for each event.
Dynamic speaker with a gift for helping organisations further their strategic goals by understanding future trends. Truly customised presentations—deep and tailored research, valuable insights, exciting multi-media. Ranked
as one of the world’s 20 most influential business thinkers alive by Thinkers 50. Successful entrepreneur.He has successfully identified hundreds of future business innovations.
Dr Dixon's keynotes and other videos including Coronavirus / COVID-19 have been viewed over 9 million times, and he has been ranked one of the 20 most influential business thinkers alive today. Dr Dixon is of the best experts in the world on virtual communication, and giving virtual keynotes. Just one of Dr Dixon's live webinars drew an audience recently of over 800,000 people across the world, with 700,000 viewing after the event ended.
Patrick Dixon always customises each keynote / board briefing for each corporate event, working closely with corporate clients in every industry.
His keynote / seminar / board briefing style is highly interactive, energetic and engaging, creating world-class keynotes on topics such as Coronavirus, which transform how executives think about future strategy.
Energetic, interactive, down-to-earth speaker
His approach is highly energetic, informal and interactive, and engages full attention of large and small audiences from the first moment. He raises profound and sometimes
disturbing issues, with warmth, passion and humour as he walks the stage and amongst participants. He brings a reality check to multi-year business plans, with sharp
consumer insights and amusing stories about life and how it will change.
3D Journey to the Future.
This extraordinary 3D audience experience uses a Musion system—a transparent screen 3m to 100m wide and up to 20m high (no special glasses required). Solid-looking objects, stage scenery, video and images appear in front or
behind Patrick Dixon, manipulated by him as part of a story about the future’s impact on your corporation.
Impact of COVID-19 on longer term trends, government policy and debt, economic growth, life-expectancy forecasts, medical research and investment strategies. Since 85% of humanity lives in emerging markets, mostly in nations with limited health infrastructure, the likely speed of Coronavirus transmission in such countries is critically important to understand. How COVID-19 will accelerate many existing mega trends, boosting profits for a wide range of businesses, while destroying others. Which countries and industry sectors are likely to recover first from Coronavirus pandemic and why. Longer term impact of Coronavirus on consumer behaviour and wider society.
Despite the overwhelming health care crisis in many nations caused by Coronavirus, many global trends will change less than many expect. The Coronavirus pandemic will divide the world into three groups. 1. Emerging markets (high population growth, young demographics, very limited health care, rapid growth and resolution of pandemic). 2. Developed nations (low population growth, ageing populations, highly developed health care, intermittent health crises with extended lock-downs and disruptions). 3. Hybrid nations eg China (emerging market, ageing population, intermittent lock-downs and disruptions). How will this divergency impact multinationals, global trade and longer term economic growth?