Sprekersbureau Assemblee Speakers
Ayleen Charlotte

Ayleen Charlotte

Met Ayleen Charlotte's bijdrage aan De best bekeken documentaire op Netflix in 2022 "The Tinder Swindler" en er over te spreken op events, wil ze mensen waarschuwen voor oplichting omdat het ook jou kan overkomen. Ze inspireert en motiveert slachtoffers van fraude en geeft hen de kracht om het vertrouwen terug te winnen.

Human Capital, Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling, Veiligheid & Kwaliteit, Motivatie & Inspiratie
Keynote speaker
Keynote speaker, Debat, Virtual keynote
Slachtoffers van fraude inspireren en motiveren, Leer van haar verhaal en verander beleid, systemen en processen om fraude op te sporen en te voorkomen., Schaamte en taboe op fraude doorbreken
Gesproken talen
Engels Nederlands
Reist vanaf


  • 2023
  • Award for Scam Fighter Person of the year 2023 - GASA (Global Anti Scam Alliance)
  • 2022
  • Haar bijdrage aan De Best Bekeken documentaire in 2022 op Netflix 'The Tinder Swindler'


With Ayleen Charlotte's contribution to The best watched documentary on Netflix in 2022 "The Tinder Swindler" and sharing her story as a speaker at events around the world, Ayleen Charlotte wants to warn people about scams because it can also happen to you. She also wants to inspire and motivate victims of fraud and give them the strength to regain trust.

The best watched documentary in 2022 on Netflix is the controversial documentary 'The Tinder Swindler'. In it, the makers speak with three victims of Simon Leviev. The 33-year-old Israeli fake billionaire cheated women of hundreds of thousands of dollars via Tinder. One of them is the Dutch Ayleen Charlotte. Ayleen Charlotte hesitated for a long time about participating in the documentary 'The Tinder Swindler’.

Ayleen Charlotte was thrown into the public eye when she came forward with her story in The Netflix documentary The Tinder Swindler. From the 2nd of February 2022 over 200 countries saw her (until then) private story for the first time and she won the GASA (Global Anti Scam Alliance) Award for Scam Fighter Person of the year 2023.

Why Ayleen Charlotte want to share her story, and what she wants to achieve can be best described in these three purposes:

  1. Breaking down the shame and taboo on Fraud.
  2. Teaching government agencies, banks and companies to learn from her story and changing policies, systems and processes to detect and prevent fraud.
  3. Inspire and motivate victims of fraud and to not take no for an answer.

After the documentary was released, Ayleen Charlotte received many messages from people all over the world, that she has given them confidence and strength to overcome and helped them with their own story. Either it was because they were in a toxic relationship or being a victim of any kind of fraud themselves. ‘If it helped that I stood up, that others can see that they are either on the way to being scammed, have been scammed or are in a destructive relationship, then it’s worth it’ Ayleen says.

Statistics Victims of fraud
People worldwide lost over 55 billion in scams, the victims of fraud are not only women but men, women and companies from different layers of our society. Besides the money part, the social and emotional trauma cannot even be measured. As only 7% of all scams are reported, Ayleen Charlotte will fight to increase this number. Ayleen Charlotte cannot even speak about the people who have taken their lives over being a fraud victim. To include victims into the discussion when it comes to changing policies, systems, processes, laws and regulations will create a much bigger impact.

Keynote speeches & panel discussions
During her speeches Ayleen Charlotte will discuss honest and persistent terms of fraud. She brings a clear view on psychological problems, dealing with a toxic relationship, clarify the role of fraudsters, victims, various organizations and banks. With these keynote topics Ayleen Charlotte provide new insights how fraud can be detected and prevented faster. Together with the audience, Ayleen Charlotte will continue the fight against fraud.


Keynote speaker
Virtual keynote


Book Ayleen Charlotte only via Assemblee Speakers for a keynote presentation and as a participant in a panel debate

Why Ayleen Charlotte want to share her story, and what she wants to achieve can be best described in these three purposes:

  1. Breaking down the shame and taboo on Fraud.
  2. Teaching government agencies, banks and companies to learn from her story and changing policies, systems and processes to detect and prevent fraud.
  3. Inspire and motivate victims of fraud and to not take no for an answer.

After the documentary was released, Ayleen Charlotte received many messages from people all over the world, that she has given them confidence and strength to overcome and helped them with their own story. Either it was because they were in a toxic relationship or being a victim of any kind of fraud themselves. ‘If it helped that I stood up, that others can see that they are either on the way to being scammed, have been scammed or are in a destructive relationship, then it’s worth it’ Ayleen says.

Statistics Victims of fraud
People worldwide lost over 55 billion in scams, the victims of fraud are not only women but men, women and companies from different layers of our society. Besides the money part, the social and emotional trauma cannot even be measured. As only 7% of all scams are reported, Ayleen Charlotte will fight to increase this number. Ayleen Charlotte cannot even speak about the people who have taken their lives over being a fraud victim. To include victims into the discussion when it comes to changing policies, systems, processes, laws and regulations will create a much bigger impact.

Keynote speeches & panel discussions
During her speeches Ayleen Charlotte will discuss honest and persistent terms of fraud. She brings a clear view on psychological problems, dealing with a toxic relationship, clarify the role of fraudsters, victims, various organizations and banks. With these keynote topics Ayleen Charlotte provide new insights how fraud can be detected and prevented faster. Together with the audience, Ayleen Charlotte will continue the fight against fraud.


"It was so great to hear you."

Gadi Mazor
CEO at BioCatch

"It was a pleasure hosting Ayleen Charlotte - great hearing her story and it really resonated with the audience. Also enjoyed her joining the team for dinner on both nights. Look forward to working with her on future events."

Thomas Barnes
Senior Regional Marketing Manager- EMEA

"Just want to add my thanks as well. As you can probably tell. We all really valued your contribution to the event. Telling your story and sharing your experiences amounted to some great thoughts and questions from the audience. And to
watch it play out the way it did, was amazing. So thank you once again. Look forward to working with you again."

James Alloress
Director of Product Marketing - Global

"Thank you for sharing your story with us Ayleen Charlotte. We serve in a very important mission together."

Mike Keating
Advisor / GTM Exec / Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)



Slachtoffers van fraude inspireren en motiveren
Leer van haar verhaal en verander beleid, systemen en processen om fraude op te sporen en te voorkomen.
Schaamte en taboe op fraude doorbreken
