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Salva Rock

Salva Rock

Salva Rock is known as “The Speaker of The Electric Guitar”. He is a motivational, entertaining and educating speaker about Music Thinking connecting with topics like Leadership, Transformation, Teamwork, Success, Artificial Intelligence [AI].

Transition & Transformation, Customer connection, Personal development, Leadership, Motivation & Inspiration
Entertainer, Keynote speaker
Breakout session, Keynote speaker, Entertainer / Comedian
Languages spoken
English Spanish
Travels from


Salva (López) Rock is known as “The Speaker of The Electric Guitar”. He is a motivational, entertaining and educating speaker about Music Thinking connecting with topics like Leadership, Transformation, Teamwork, Success, Artificial Intelligence [AI]. Salva Rock is “The speaker of The Electric Guitar”, a multidisciplinary professional that lives at the intersection of several worlds:

1. The corporate world
He was graduated in Economics and Business Administration with almost 15 years of national and international experience in different sectors. Economics and Business Administration with nearly 15 years of national and international experience in different sectors),
2. The academic world
 Salva Rock is an innovative and disruptive professor of marketing, innovation and creativity.
3.The musical world
He is a multi-instrumentalist musician with two published albums.

Salva Rock has given keynotes with music in 16+ countries on 3 continents like Spain, Japan, India, Mayaysia, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia, Portugal, Austria, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mongolia an Bahrain.

Salva Rock is the Author of the books “ROCKBusiness Evolution: lessons from the world of music for managers and entrepreneurs” and “Pursuing Excellence: the true value of processes”.

Multi-instrumentalist musician (voice, guitar, bass and drums) he has published two albums with his music and has been part of several musical projects of various styles.

He has written regular sections for the daily newspaper Expansión and for the Telefonica’s blog ThinkBig. Salva Rock has appeared in press all over the world, from Bloombergs Business Week (USA), to The Times of India and Financial Times Europe.

Salva Rock felt the fascinating connection with music since he was a child. Years later he felt the “call” of music, loud and clear through insistent dreams, and he started playing the guitar. Later Salva Rock joined the university choir, something that changed his  life, and gradually he learned other instruments: drums and electric bass. Music keeps him connected to the world, with his feet on the ground and his head in the sky.

In another moment of his life I had an epiphany and Salva Rock united all his worlds, business, teaching and music, creating a line of conferences for companies that he has baptized as “Companies in the key of ROCK”. He is dedicated to praising musicians and music to inspire the world of organizations with their best ideas.

Salva Rock is a lucky human being to have found his true calling. He came into the world to do this, and of the various things he does in life, giving musical lectures is what Salva Rock does BEST.


Breakout session
Keynote speaker
Entertainer / Comedian


Well, at first glance it’s surprising, but Salva Rock lives at the intersection of both worlds, music and business, and he sees the connection perfectly. In the music world there is innovation, creativity, co-creation, managing with few resources, adapting to change, reinvention, leadership, teamwork and, perhaps most importantly: musicians not only have “customers”, they have FANS. Not to mention that musicians have already gone through our their digital transformation. Salva Rock talks about all this in his keynotes all over the world and in his workshops.

Salva Rock currently offers motivational talks on different business topics, suitable for different situations and objectives in your event. Discover them below.

The Art of Teamwork
Working as a team is an art that can be learned and developed. Working as a team is an art that can be learned and developed. In this speech I talk about how a HPT (High Performing Team) is built, about the importance of each individual and the immense importance of listening to each other, among several other issues. And all this, with a lot of music, of course And all this, with a lot of music, of course.

Recommended for internal events for employees, and also external events for clients, potential clients and partners, for post-merger companies, companies facing a great challenge, their teams and their leaders, events where the objective is team building.

Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Technology in the key of ROCK
Musicians have been working with Artificial Intelligence for years, long before ChatGPT. For us it is nothing more than another extension of the technology with which we usually surround ourselves. Modern musicians live in a world full of technology that multiplies us and elevates us to new levels of creativity, innovation and productivity. But what can technology really do for us…?

Indicated for companies that wish to stimulate creativity and innovation among their teams and employees.

The Formula of SUCCESS
True balance in life and work depends on having an intelligent idea of what SUCCESS means How do we define it? Which one is worth pursuing? And once we have that clear, how to build it? In any human group, individual and collective success are intimately intertwined. Talent, enthusiasm, determination, collaboration… are some of the ingredients to achieve it. But… how to combine them properly…?

Indicated for companies that face a significant challenge, ambitious objectives, etc… For all company profiles, from senior management to basic operators; teams, individuals, leaders.

How to be EXTRAORDINARY at your job
We all pilot a human body with a brain, both with extraordinary capabilities. The only problem is that all this super-equipment comes without an user’s guide! So… how can we get the most out of it? How can we use it to become better and better, to reach our best possible version? What is the basic functioning of our natural human mechanism of learning and continuous improvement…?

Indicated for companies that wish to stimulate the development of their employees.

Change Management and Business Transformation in the Key of ROCK
Re-inventing, re-imagining, adapting to change or even leading it, learning to intelligently use your comfort zone. Positively managing the change that surrounds us is a key issue for everyone, since, paradoxically, the only constant is CHANGE. It is always there, whether we want it or not, so the ability to ride on it is vital to remain relevant as individuals, as teams and as companies.

Indicated for companies in processes of change and transformation, mergers, acquisitions, restructuring.

Turn your customers into FANS
FANS are the best customers we can imagine. They speak well of us and bring us more clients. The smartest companies prefer to have a good fan base, and for that you have to give good arguments and at the same time you have to take care of an emotional relationship. A healthy balance between reasons and emotions is the key. This is one of my most requested motivational talks for companies.

Indicated for companies facing a great commercial challenge. For commercial teams, marketing teams, customer service teams.

Reviews Spreker

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Eurofirms Group

Marta Colomer, Marketing Director

It was spectacular. Music, illusion and emotion to the surface. Salva managed to become one more of our team, adapting his speech to our values and company culture, involving the public at large.

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Dassault Systèmes

Oscar Puente Zurita, Sales Director Spain

In my company we have hired Salva Rock twice for our events. With that I say it all. Let’s see when we do the third one.

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AMGEN Europe GmbH

Louis-Sebastian Sonntag, Global Marketing Director

Salva Rock opened our strategy workshop with his keynote, but he really opened the minds of the participants to see their familiar challenges in a way they had never considered before. Salva captivates the audience with his masterful interpretation and his novel ways of looking at things that seem to know. His presentations are relevant and tailored to the audience, which makes them very impactful.

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HP Inc.

Terry Raghunath, Worldwide Business Development Manager, Graphics Solutions Business

His ability to relate to large groups of (often very diverse) people and get them to participate is quite extraordinary. If you are thinking of a way to get a crowd to wake up, enjoy, participate and leave feeling good about being at the event, Salva is an excellent way to make this happen.