Jimmy Nelson
‘For me being an artist means creating a mirror for the world’s humanity’
- 2018
- Publication "Homage to Humanity"
- 2013
- Publication "Before they pass away"
Jimmy Nelson traveled to Tibet at the age of seventeen. Here, he started his search for connection with people, but especially with himself. He documented people who crossed his path for an ultimate encounter. He has traveled all over the world since then to record different cultures. For Jimmy, culture is an expression of what it means to be human; it is a wording of what is important to us.
"We asked for a presentation and received a unique performance. Jimmy is simply full of energy that has silenced all 900 marketers and advertisers. The story is so unique and original that it captivates everyone from the first to the last moment. was the highlight of our evening. Although he is an internationally renowned photographer and speaker, he remains modest, accessible and relativistic about his own performance and therefore such a nice person. "- Paul Geraeds, chairman SAN (Stichting Adverteerdersjury Nederland)
You need to have human respect of one another.
You need to have pride in your own self worth and form the other.
Love everything you do and everyone you meet.
Everything you think you have belongs to all of us.
Vulnerability is not a bad thing, it can be powerful.