Erwin Wiggers
Helps you discover and recognize your talent. "T x IM x O = Success ™" Want to book Erwin Wiggers? Assemblee Speakers is his official booking agency. Ask our bookers for more information.
After a career with several (international) companies, including AXA Netherlands, Winkhaus Netherlands and Reinaerdt Deuren, Erwin Wiggers discovered his real talent and passion and now helps people to get much more out of themselves. He has radically changed his circumstances, follows his heart and has turned presentations, writing and coaching into his profession. He has only one goal: to help individuals and organizations to do what they are made for. In a positive and effective way. Full of dedication and fun. So that they can continue to make a difference in the future.
To reinforce his mission “Do what you are good at and what you enjoy, surrounded by the right people”, Erwin set up the Talent x Inner Motivation x Circumstances = Success ™ action plan, where science and practice meet intensively. . So that you can bring focus to your life and then quickly achieve success.
Let's say you work from age 22 to age 67. And then 40 hours a week for 46 weeks a year. Then you arrive at an incredible 80,960 working hours. According to research, you also spend about 110,000 hours together in an average relationship. Let's say you have something to choose. How do you know what will make you happy and satisfied in all those hours? How can you know in advance whether your choices make you happy or not? Those choices revolve around combining what your strengths are, what you really believe in and which environment suits you best. Talent x Inner Motivation x Circumstances ensure Success. An exceptional performance is only achievable if T, IM and O all score high. Do the things in which you are good and enjoy yourself, surrounded by the right people.
Erwin Wiggers provides keynotes during conferences and complete "one man" presentations. He discusses what talent is. How you can discover and recognize your talent. How to create context and environment in which every talent feels seen and challenged. Because by doing what you are good at and what gives you pleasure, you not only constantly charge your batteries, it also gives you a positive self-image, more resilience and confidence.
In this presentation you will be brought back to your comfort zone. Back to your warm bath. However, getting there requires a dose of courage, challenge and courage. In that 45-minute presentation, stress gives way to healthy excitement.
Waar gaan de ogen van stralen? Wanneer kom jij volledig tot je recht? Ik geniet het meest als mensen inzien hoe talentvol ze eigenlijk zijn en ze zich bewust worden van hun enorme potentieel.
Wanneer gaan jouw ogen stralen? Ben jij je bewust van jouw passie? Maak je daar ook optimaal gebruik van? Biedt jouw omgeving je de nodige ondersteuning en mogelijkheden?
Het is soms goed om even stil te staan of je op je werk, tijdens het uitvoeren van jouw hobby of in je dagelijkse leven wel gebruik maakt van jouw passie, talent en de juiste mensen. Doe je de dingen omdat je ze leuk vindt, omdat je daar goed in bent, of omdat jouw omgeving (of jezelf) het van je verwacht?
Wil jij weer in je kracht komen staan en je natuurlijke talent, innerlijke motivatie en ideale omstandigheden gaan ervaren? Leer dan gebruik te maken van de bewezen actietechniek T x IM x O = Succes™.