Topsprekers overhalen om voor diverse gelegenheden te spreken. Sinds begin jaren 70 was het al een hobby van Leo van der Kant. In 1985 zette hij zijn hobby om in het eerste internationale sprekersbureau van Europa: ASSEMBLEE International Speakers Agency.
The difference between a good speaker and a top speaker?
A good speaker tells the story, a top speaker is the story. A speaker must touch you like music can touch you. A great speaker can make a connection to not only your brain but to your heart as well!
People behind stories,
stories behind people
The great Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi said, “My life is my message.” Family-owned Assemblee Speakers has been giving renowned speakers the opportunity to share their messages since 1985.
Creating connections
Assemblee was the first speakers agency in Europe, and today our network has more than 5,000 speakers worldwide who share their stories at events large and small. Approximately 200 are exclusive to Assemblee Speakers, and all are connected with millions of individuals around the world. By giving our speakers a global voice, we give the network the power to do its job: connect people.
For example, our network today has more than 5,000 speakers worldwide who share their story at large and smaller Events. About 200 of them are bound to our management, and Connected with millions of people around the world.
A unique logo
Our logo is the graphic image of the Assemblee philosophy. In the center is inspiration, co-creation and satisfaction, gained from our collaboration with our speakers, and our speakers with one another. Surrounding that is circle that connections us all — speakers, organizations and the public.

Top international speakers
The services of Assemblee Speakers offer you a world of possibilities…literally. Our international network includes the top tier speakers from a wide array of countries and regions. Quality is not simply a goal in itself, but a means to inspire and connect your audiences worldwide.
Clear advice
We always give our speakers and clients the best advice and guidance we can, even when that means a particular speaker and a particular event might not be a good match. We create and nurture strong, long-term connections through always keeping our partners’ best interests in mind.
Perfect match
With our personal and committed approach, we really get to know our speakers, learn about them and what they are looking for. This enables us to match the needs, characteristics and specializations of our speakers to the right audiences, to create meetings that bloom, and connections that grow.
As a facilitator of sustainable connections, Assemblee Speakers has given voice to speakers with a mission since 1985. Whether you’re a client or a speaker, we work to create a network through our personal approach and professional advice. Transparency and integrity are central to our philosophy to bring together people who have stories worth telling.
Assemblee TheaterCollege
In 2016, with support from Bas Schoonderwoerd, Director and Principal Programmer of PARKSTAD LIMBURG THEATERS, Assemblee CEO Maurice van der Kant introduced Theater College in collaboration with General Peter P. Uhm, Jan Rotmans and Erik Scherder. Since then, interest in the program has continued to grow. All three partners work with clear agreements that allow everyone to share their individual expertise, and are beneficial to all.
We offer speakers the opportunity to share their story with an bigger audience. A chance to connect with a younger generation. The speaker should entertain the theater audience. An inspiring story with a smile and a tear. Finally, at any Assemblee Theatre College will connect with the audience.
Maurice van der Kant: "I always tell speakers that the public is the stage today. I appreciate our speakers’s willingness to be open and candid with their audiences. Not everyone can or will do this. But just sitting behind a desk does not provide an energetic theater evening. The goal remains to really connect with and help people. That inspires and motivates them in this rapidly changing world.”
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